Tuesday, May 31, 2011

In exactly one week, I'll be a junior. New classmates again and new challenges ahead. Half of me feels sad because it won't be the same like last year--where I really "belonged" to the class (although Sofia and Conikka were there). I can't believe I actually made friends in that class. I can still remember the first day of class when Sofia and I were seating at the back of the room and watch the others interact because they already knew each other since they're all classmates from the previous year. I can still recall the conversations we had that we will never fit in to them since we feel like they are so intelligent (and not to mention intimidating) and we're not. But lo and behold, I have. We have. And honestly, I enjoyed being in that class. Despite all the school works and the extra-curricula and other activities, we managed to survived the whole year together. They have made schooling fun, seriously.

Now that we are all parting ways, I will surely miss them and will always be remembered.

And I hope as the academic year starts, may Barney Stinson be blessed if he was right about his quote, "New is always better."

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