Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Like a grown up kid.

My Aunt called up one (Maid #1) of our maids who are still in the province last Saturday to ask if where they are that time since it was scheduled that they are going home (here) that day. Apparently, Maid #1 isn't coming back anymore. It just pissed us off especially Aunt Rosie and Papa since they have talked to Maid #1 and she even promised that she'll be back. Maid #2 on the other hand, couldn't get in here since she doesn't know how to ride a bus and scared of being lost. She then finds a new replacement for Maid #1 and as for Aunt Rosie and my cousin, they hurried back to the province to help find a new maid and left Pa and I alone here in Manila.

It's not new to me and to Pa to be alone here since Chuchay and Tabs (our previous maids) go to province every year for the annual fiesta in our barrio and have some quality time for their families and for themselves. I do the dishes, clean the rooms, and wash our clothes whenever they'd be gone. It's just that, that time, I felt like a grown up kid. I don't know why but yeah, I did. I've never felt so responsible until that day. I wish I could be more responsible with my academics, though. I'm not saying I'm not saying I'm not studying but I should exert more effort and PATIENCE with my academics.


Francesca said...

Feels good to be all grown up and independent, yah? :]

N. said...

responsibilities fulfilled always feels good :)