That’s me and Mama during my baptism. I was only 1 year, and 8 months here, according to Mama when I was asking her for this photo. (Sorry for the low resolution of the photo)
HAPPY 51st BIRTHDAY, MAMA! I really wish you were still here to celebrate your birthday and perhaps my 18th birthday on July. I don’t wanna question God on why He took you so early, I barely spent my teenage life (though thank God I have great friends here and Dad, of course.) with great happiness because I constantly imagine you were still here, seeing me explore things, but I guess God has better plans for us and somehow I’m happy for you now that you’re up there with Bro and not experiencing pain and all.
And HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY, TOO! :) Like other children tell their mom, although it may sound cliché, you’re the greatest Mom ever. I would love to be like you if I were to have children in the future. I will tell my children how awesome you were (like when I was a kid, you would make me a beautiful dresses and cook me delicious meals and being calm even though you’re already mad, etc.!) and how selfless you were to us.
I’m sorry if I was such pain in the ass while you were suffering with your illness. If I could just turn back the time…
And for the nth time (and will not get tired of saying this), I MISS YOU SO BADLY AND I LOVE YOU. :’)
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